Fiber Optic Transceivers are compact, hot-swappable devices capable of transmitting and receiving data for optical networks. Ascent offers a wide variety of transceivers in a multitude of standards such as SFP, SFP+, QSFP, XFP, and more allowing for data transfer rates from 1.25 Gb/s to 100 Gb/s. These transceivers are available with both Single-Mode Fibers (SMF) or Multi-Mode Fibers (MMF), and Standard Connectors (SC) as well as Lucent Connectors (LC).
Ascent also offers Active Optical Cables (AOC) as well as copper Direct Attach Cables (DAC) for your networking needs.
800 Gb/s DR8 OSFP 500m Optical Transceiver
OSFP-800G-SR8D-01 800 Gb/s OSFP SR8 850 nm 100 m Transceiver
QSFP-DD-ZR-80 400 Gb/s QSFP-DD 80 km Transceiver
QSFP-DD-ER8-40 400 Gb/s QSFP-DD 40 km Transceiver
QSFP-DD-LR8-10 400 Gb/s QSFP-DD LR8 10 km Transceiver
QSFP-DD-LR4-10 400 Gb/s QSFP-DD LR4 CWDM 10 km Transceiver
QSFP-DD-LP-01 400 Gb/s QSFP-DD SR8 100 m Transceiver
400 Gb/s QSFP-DD FR4 2 km DDM Transceiver
400 Gb/s QSFP-DD DR4 500m Transceiver
400G QSFP-DD DCO ZR Coherent Optical Transceiver
QDD 4x100G 1310nm LR 10 km Transceiver
QSFP112-400G-SR4-01 400 Gb/s QSFP112 SR4 850 nm 100 m Transceiver
400G QSFP112 DR4 1310 nm Transceiver 500m
400 Gbps Multi-Mode 50m OSFP Transceiver
400 Gbps PSM8 Multi-Mode 100m OSFP Transceiver
QSFP56-200G-SR01 200 Gb/s QSFP56 SR4 850 nm 100 m Transceiver
100 Gb/s 2km QSFP28 LX4 Transceiver
100 Gb/s 10 km QSFP28 LR4 Transceiver
QSFP28-100G-LP80 QSFP28 100 Gbps ZR4 Transceiver
QSFP28-100G-LP40 100 Gb/s 40 km QSFP28 ER4 Lite Transceiver
QSFP28-100G-LP10 100 Gb/s 10km QSFP28 LR4 Transceiver
QSFP28-100G-LR10 LR1 1310 nm 10 km Transceiver
QSFP28-100G-LP02 QSFP28 100 Gbps CWDM4 Transceiver
QSFP28-100G-PSM4 100 Gb/s 1310 nm 2 km Transceiver
QSFP28-100G-SR01 100 Gb/s SR4 850 nm 100 m Transceiver
QSFP28-100G-FR02 FR1 1310 nm 2 km Transceiver
QSFP28-100G-DR5 DR1 1310 nm 500 m Transceiver
QSFP28 BIDI 100 Gb/s SR Transceiver 100m
QSFP28 BIDI 100 Gb/s ZR4 Transceiver 80km
QSFP28 BIDI 100 Gb/s ER Transceiver 40km
QSFP28 100Gb/s EZR4 Transceiver 100km
SFP56-DD 100G-ER1 Optical Transceiver 30km
SFP56-DD 100G-LR1 Optical Transceiver 10km
CFP2-LP-31-40 100 Gb/s CFP2 ER4 40 km Transceiver
CFP2-LP-31-10 100 Gb/s CFP2 LR4 10 km Transceiver
CFP-LP-31-40 100 Gb/s CFP ER4 40 km Transceiver
CFP-LP-31-10 100 Gb/s CFP LR4 10 km Transceiver
10 Gb/s 1310nm SFP+ 40 km Transceiver
SFPP-ATLP-31-20 SFP+ Plug-in, 10Gbps, 20km, TX=1310/RX wide, on two single mode fibers, LC/PC Blue
SFPP-ATLP-31-10 SFP+ Plug-in, 10Gbps, 10km, TX=1310/RX wide, on two single mode fibers, LC/PC Blue
SFPP-ATLP-31-02 10Gb/s 1310nm SFP+ 2 km Transceiver
SFPP-ATLP-51-40 10 Gb/s 1550 nm SFP+ 40 km Transceiver
SFPP-ATLP-51-100 10 Gb/s 1550 nm SFP+ 100 km Transceiver
SFPP-ATLP-51-80 10 Gb/s 1550 nm SFP+ 80 km Transceiver
SFPP-ATLP-85-03 10 Gb/s 850nm Multi-Mode SFP+ Transceiver
SFPP-LP-T99R-80 10 Gb/s Tunable DWDM SFP+ 80 km Transceiver
SFPP-ATLP-DXX-80 10 Gb/s DWDM SFP+ 80 km Transceiver
SFPP-ATLP-DXX-40 SFP+ Plug-in, 10Gbps, 40km, TX=ITU Ch xx (17 to 61) /RX wide, on two single mode fibers, LC/PC Blue
SFPP-ATLP-CXX-80 SFP+ Plug-in, 10 Gbps, 80 km, TX = CWDM Ch xx (1470 nm to 1610 nm)/RX wide, on two single-mode fibers, LC/PC Blue.
SFPP-AT-LP-XXXX-60D 10 Gb/s BIDI SFP+ 60 km Transceiver
SFPP-ATLP-CXX-40 SFP+ Plug-in, 10Gbps, 40km, TX=CWDM Ch xx (1270 nm to 1610 nm) /RX wide, on two single mode fibers, LC/PC Blue
SFPP-ATLP-CXX-10 SFP+ Plug-in, 10 Gbps, 10 km, TX=CWDM Ch xx (1270 nm to 1610 nm)/RX wide, on two single-mode fibers, LC/PC Blue
SFPP-AT-LP-XXXX-40 SFP+ Plug-in, 10Gbps, 40km, TX=1270/RX=1330 , on one single mode fibers, LC/PC Blue
SFPP-LP-XXXX-10 SFP+ Plug-in, 10Gbps, 10km, TX=1270/RX=1330 , on one single mode fibers, LC/PC Blue
XFP 10 Gb/s BIDI Single-Mode 80 km Transceiver DDM
XFP 10 Gb/s BIDI Single-Mode 40 km Transceiver DDM
XFP 10 Gb/s BIDI Single-Mode 20 km Transceiver DDM
XFP 10 Gb/s BIDI Single-Mode 10 km Transceiver DDM
XFP-AT-LP-31-20 10 Gb/s 20 km XFP Transceiver
XFP-AT-LP-31-10 10 Gb/s 10 km XFP Transceiver
XFP-AT-LP-51-40 10 Gb/s 40 km XFP Optical Transceiver
XFP-AT-LP-51-80 10 Gb/s 80 km XFP Optical Transceiver
XFP-ATLP-XXXX-60 10 Gb/s BIDI XFP 60 km Transceiver
SFPP-ATLP-61-80 SFP+ Plug-in, 10Gbps, 80km, TX=1610/RX wide, on two single mode fibers, LC/PC Blue
SFPP-AT-CO-03 10GBASE-T SFP+ Copper RJ45 30m Transceiver
SFPP-16-LP-85-01 16 Gb/s 850 nm SFP+ 100 m Transceiver
SFPP-A8LP-85-015 8.5 Gb/s 850 nm Multi-Mode SFP+ Transceiver
SFPP-A6-LP-31-02 6.25 Gb/s Single-Mode SFP+ Transceiver
SFPP-A6-LP-85-03 6.25 Gb/s 850 nm Multi-Mode SFP+ Transceiver
SFP-2G-LP-CXX-40 2.5 Gbps CWDM Single-mode SFP Transceiver
SFP-2G-LP-3155-10 2.5 Gb/s BiDi Single-mode SFP Transceiver
2.5 Gb/s 1310nm Single-mode SFP Transceiver
SFP-2G-LP-31-2K 2.5 Gb/s 1310 nm Single-mode SFP Transceiver
SFP-AGLP-51-120 1.25Gb/s 1550nm Single-mode SFP Transceiver
SFP-AG-LP-51-80 1.25 Gb/s 1550 nm Single-Mode SFP Transceiver
SFP-AG-LP-51-40 1.25 Gbps 1550 nm Single-mode SFP Transceiver
1.25 Gb/s SFP 1550nm 160km Transceiver
SFP-AG-LP-31-40 1.25 Gb/s 1310 nm Single-mode SFP Transceiver
SFPP-AG-LP-31-20 1.25 Gb/s 1310 nm Single-Mode SFP Transceiver
SFPP-AG-LP-31-10 1.25 Gb/s 1310 nm Single-Mode SFP Transceiver
SFP-AG-LP-85-05 1.25Gb/s 850 nm Multi-Mode SFP Transceiver
SFP-AGLP4955-120 SFP BIDI 1.25G 1490/1550 nm 120 km DDM
SFP-AGLP-4955-80 SFP BIDI 1.25G 1490/1550 nm 80 km DDM
SFP-AGLP-3155-40 SFP BIDI 1.25G 1310/1550 nm 40 km DDM
SFP-AGLP-3149-20 SFP BIDI 1.25G 1310/1490 nm 20 km DDM
SFP-AGLP-4931-40 SFP Plug-in, 1.25Gbps, 40km, BIDI, TX=1490nm, RX=1310nm, LC/PC Blue
SFP-AGSP-4931-20 SFP Plug-in, 1.25Gbps, 20km, BIDI, TX=1490nm, RX=1310nm, SC/PC Blue
SFP-AG-CO-01 1000M Copper SFP Transceiver
SFP-AG-CO-02 10/100/1000M Copper SFP Transceiver
SFP-AG-CO-03 10/100/1000M Auto Adapt Copper SFP Transceiver
SFP-AG-CO-04 10/100/1000M Copper SFP Transceiver w/ Link Indicator
SFP-AF-LP-51-80 155 Mb/s 1550 nm Single?Mode SFP Transceiver
SFP-AF-LP-XXXX-20-AN SFP Plug-in, 100Mbps, 20km, BIDI, TX=1490nm, RX=1310nm, LC/PC blue
SFP_ONS-SI-155-I1 SFP Plug-in, OC3 155Mbps 1310nm Single-mode SFP Optical Transceiver, 15km, LC
800G Twin-port 2x400G OSFP Active Copper Cable
800G Twin-port 2x400G OSFP Passive DAC Cable
800G 4x200G OSFP Breakout Active Copper Cable
400G OSFP to 400G QSFP-DD Passive DAC Twinax Cable
400G OSFP to 4x100G QSFP56 Passive DAC Breakout Cable
400G QSFP-DD Passive Direct Attach Copper Cable
400G QSFP-DD to 4x100G QSFP56 Active Optical Cable
400G QSFP-DD to 4x100G QSFP28 Active Optical Cable
400G OSFP to 2x200G QSFP56 AOC Breakout Cable
400G QSFP-DD Active Optical Cable
400G QSFP-DD to 2x 200G QSFP56 Active Optical Breakout Cable
200G QSFP56 to 2x100G QSFP56 Direct Attach Copper Cable
200G QSFP56 Passive DAC Twinax Cable
100 Gb/s QSFP28 Active Optical Cable
100G QSFP28 Passive DAC Twinax Cable
40G QSFP+ to 4x10G SFP+ Transceiver
40G QSFP+ to QSFP+ Passive Copper Cable (PCC)
40G QSFP+ Active Optical Cable
QSFP+ 4x10Gb/s Transceiver MPO Kit
12/24 MTP/MPO LC Harness Cable Assembly
10G SFP+ Active Optical Cable
100G QSFP28 to 25G SFP28 Adapter
SFPP-AT-DAC-2M 10G SFP+ Passive Direct Attach Copper Twinax Cable (PCC)
QSFP to SFP/SFP+ Adapter Module
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